Get ready for a life changing experience, one guaranteed to make a positive change in the lives of your team, your congregation, your family.
Tim's talks are uplifting, inspiring and bring forth positive change
Sharing from life’s challenges, lessons and experiences – including family, business, investing, personal relationship and personal finances – Tim Grimmett has words of wisdom to share with you and his audience.
Tim has served as a business leader, father, church pastor, investor and personal financial coach, and is uniquely positioned to help your audience understand why they are not already living the Amazing Life they dream of.
The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.

As successful real estate investor, Tim works with new investors to help them get started, without tying up their own money and making sure they don’t run out of money in the process.
Many of his students have experienced great success and thank Tim for the help they received to make significant changes in their financial and investing experience.
Contact Tim for your next business or community event. He’ll share the ins and outs of getting started as a Real Estate Investor, reaching Financial Freedom in the time it takes most people to pay off a car loan, and how to leverage federal programs to get consistent, recurring revenue and tenants you love for your investment properties.
It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.

Tim and Nancy Grimmett have worked with many couples struggling with different issues in their relationship.
Are you experiencing the closeness and intimacy you desire with your spouse?
Would you like to see the relationship evolve into a deeper and more meaningful one for you and your family?
Although many couples may seek separation in today’s society, Tim and Nancy have helped couples overcome what has caused division in their relationship to change for far better than they had previously experienced or thought possible.
Schedule a complimentary call with Tim to discuss how Tim and Nancy may help your church or organization draw families together.
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

There is an elephant in the room that most people try to avoid.
It causes fear, shame, and anxiety. it affects personal behavior, self-esteem, work performance, relationship issues, financial welfare and loss of family, home and more.
That elephant is personal addictions.
In our society, people are attached to behavioral and chemical addictions. behavioral addictions include negative thoughts, over spending, overeating, and sexual additions, while chemical additions may include the use of drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications.
When these addictions start to affect a person’s work life and family life, they may want help but are afraid to ask. most feel ashamed to share the reality of what they are experiencing with any one at all.
Addictions also affect family members, business associates and other close relationships who may or may not be aware of the struggles you are facing.
Through his own battle with personal addiction, Tim has helped other individuals overcome their attachments. he and Nancy work with organizations to help their members seek help in a safe, loving and encouraging environment, so that real change can occur.
Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.
if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us here, or email hello@timgrimmett.com
we look forward to serving you and your team to live and experience an amazing life in all areas of your lives.
all the best,